You must read our terms and conditions before you enrol on a course:
- By enrolling on a course I'm committing to engaging and attending. If my attendance falls below 85% I understand that Medway Adult Education (MAE) has the right to withdraw me from my programme. If I am unable to attend any sessions, I will call the absence line to inform the tutor
- I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I give is correct and complete. I understand that if I have declared false information that MAE may take action against me to reclaim the tuition fees and any support costs provided. I understand that I am not to be enrolled at any other educational establishment
- If fees are due for the course, I agree to pay the fees for the whole course including outstanding instalments if I withdraw. I understand that refunds are only given when a class is cancelled. I am aware of the fees and charging policy. I agree to MAE processing the information in accordance with the privacy notices. I understand that my information will be shared with the Education and Skills Agency (ESFA) as part of MAE’s funding contract, and I will inform MAE if any of the details I have provided change in any way. I can do this by correcting when I’m asked to check my information at my first session, by emailing or by informing my tutor
- I am aware of the learner code of conduct and agree to abide by these conditions whilst attending an MAE course either in a centre, online or at another establishment. I can find the learner code of conduct and all other relevant policies.
Full courses
If your chosen course is full you can put your name on a waiting list for the course and we'll contact you if a place becomes available. Phone 01634 338 400 or email to get on a waiting list.
Late enrolment
You can join some courses late if there are places available. If the course has already started you'll only have to pay for the remaining sessions.
To check if you can enrol on a course, search for the course online, phone 01634 338 400 or email
You cannot join after the third week if the course has an examination.
Refunds and cancellations
We'll only give a refund if you withdraw from a course at least 14 days before it starts. There is a £10 administration charge for withdrawing. We will not give you a refund if you withdraw from a course less than 14 days before it starts.
If your course is cancelled before it starts we'll give you a full refund.
If your course is cancelled after it has started, we'll give you a refund for any remaining time, or you may transfer to a different course.
If you’re applying for a concession you must be able to provide proof of your eligibility during your course.
Additional costs
Some courses may have extra costs attached, such as materials on creative courses. These are detailed on the course description. You can also find out by phoning 01634 338 400.